Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy Holidays from VSPI!

Hello Friends,

VSPI wishes all of YOU (our friends, clients and supporters) a most wonderful and lovely Holiday Season!

I am packing my bags and flying south to Northern California to visit family and go on a few ghost hunts. There is even a plan to investigate a haunted hotel on New Year's Eve with my wife, Lesli. It's going to be exciting!

I personally wish to thank our Clients, our warm New & Old Friends, and all of you who visited our tent at last summer's Car Free Vancouver event in the city's West End. It truly was special.

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for photos, updates and more!

Thank you for your support and friendship. Be safe, enjoy family and festivities, and keep the positive energy flowing!


and the VSPI team
Photo: by Kati 2015 - Gastown @ Spaghetti Factory on Water Street

Note: Photos are the property of Kati Ackermann Webb & Vancouver Spooks. Written permission is required to use/share them. Contact Kati at our website. Thank you.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Man Who Preferred Prison (Convict Buried at Boot Hill Cemetery)

Hello Friends,

Our story of the following Boot Hill Cemetery convict leads us on a chase across the continent, starting in the Eastern Canada, dipping into the United States of America, and then north to Western Canada in Vancouver, B.C. This seventeenth blog about the convicts buried at the forgotten cemetery, belonging to the razed B.C. Penitentiary in New Westminster, B.C., carries with it mystery. Hopefully we'll gain some understanding of who this man was and why he ended up buried in the sacred acre of land.

Meet Convict #3237 - Harold Gordon McMaster
Photo by Kati - Convict #3237 (3rd row from NW top section, farthest N position)