Friday, October 18, 2013

Halloween Events

VSPI has been invited to present in two events for the Halloween season.

Ghost Hunt @ The Giggle Dam - Event
Event #1:
Thurs. Oct 24th @ 6:45 pm. Poco Heritage & Cultural Society has asked us to host a "Ghost Hunt at the Giggle Dam".
To preregister: email us @ .
Fee: "by donation". All proceeds go to the Poco Heritage & Cultural Society.
The Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre, with it's abundant history, is our focus.
Read about the Theatre:
VSPI - Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre .
We are proud to be working with the Dam crew again. Thank you to Sheila & Jon!

Halloween Spooktacular with VSPI - Event
Event #2:
Fri. Oct 25th @ 6 pm
Presented by: T&T Spiritual & Wellness Connections
Where: The First United Spiritualist Church in Burnaby.
Sign Up: @ their website:
Thank you Tara for inviting us to participate!

So what are you up to this Halloween? Why not join us @ either event.
More information can be found at the above links, and at our Facebook page: VSPI - Facebook Page as well as our website.

We'd love to see you there & get to know you.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Boot Hill Cemetery (BC Penitentiary)

A good friend of mine wanted to experience a mini ghost hunt.  She was curious about what I do as a paranormal investigator, and what it all entails.  I suggested we go to a cemetery which had been created for the B.C. Penitentiary prison of New Westminster, and she was in agreement, not realizing what the adventure would bring.  She invited a good friend of ours, and on a sunny winter afternoon, the three of us met up for our journey.

A view of the cemetery looking northwest.
The unmarked cemetery is situated not far from the Woodlands Memorial Gardens. As it involves going through property owned by the Queens Park Care Centre, I will not provide a map on how to find it.  Regardless, this abandoned cemetery is on land owned by the city.  There is no evidence of anyone taking care of it.  The grass is overgrown, with blackberry bushes growing wild.  One has to be careful where they step.  Feces from wild animals, dogs and cats are found scattered throughout, thorns of the berry bushes easily hook into trousers and socks, and because the ground is wet and soggy, it sinks in areas.  If you plan a trip to this plot of land, I suggest you wear hiking or gum boots and long pants.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Woodlands Memorial Gardens - Haunted?

First off, I send out a huge “Happy New Year” and thank you for your continuous support.  I hope the Holiday season was filled with joy, warmth, family & friends and safety.  VSPI traveled south, back to Sonoma County in California, during the holiday season.  We enjoyed time with family & friends, and also took in a few ghost hunting adventures.

In November 2012, on a day off from my paid job, I decided to take in a place I've not visited before.  Woodlands Memorial Gardens situated in New Westminster, BC.  It is a place of interest as several reports of dark shadows and unexplained sounds have been passed along.  On a chilly afternoon, with the sun going down fairly early, I packed my digital recorder, digital camera and my Trifield Electromagnetic Field meter and headed out to the park.  Now I've been calling it a park all along, because it kind of gives off a small park experience, in my opinion.  With gardens I expect a huge array of plants and trees along with a feeling of peace.  This area has constant noise surrounding it, and people trudging through it on a regular basis.  Not only is it situated next to one of the busiest vehicle corridors in New Westminster, but it also is on a community bus route, with a hospital to its north.  Children and adults walk (and sometimes run) through it daily.  I wonder if these people realize why the garden is there.