Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thank You! .. and What Comes Next...

Hello Friends!
Happy New Year!  “Thank You” for your amazing support throughout 2014. You have been most kind to us, and have helped us to carve a new path into 2015.  We wish to Thank some very special people who have entered our lives, and look forward to their continued friendship and connection.:

Jules Stirling – who lent us her personal time in 2014, gave VSPI support with several private investigations that required extra assistance and use of her truly amazing gift, and she recommended a few clients our way. She has now joined our team full time, and we cannot be more pleased. Thank you Jules!  You truly astound us each and every time we meet and go adventuring with you, and look forward to working with you closely.

Anne Bannerman – from Salmagundi West, a curio shop in Vancouver’s Gastown, who opened her store to us in the evening hours and welcomed us with open arms.  She allowed us to set up a late evening investigation, in which an employee joined us and shared her special gift (Patricia Cosgrave). Thank you! We have since discovered some interesting evidence and will be sharing it in the upcoming weeks, first with Anne and then with you.  We truly love the curio shop and always have a great time visiting. I encourage you to visit the shop for a unique experience! Check out their SW Facebook Page for more information.

Sheila Sharma & Jon Lundquist – of the Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre (in Port Coquitlam), who each year support us by opening their doors to us in the late late hours, accept our advice, participate in our investigations and truly have become great friends of VSPI.  Not only is their comedy theatre a wonderful place with amazing energy, but they have become our Premier clients and we certainly feel the theatre is “haunted” by several spirits/ghosts. Check out their GD Facebook Page for more information of whom they are & their wonderful crew.  We'll be presenting evidence to them shortly and then we'll share it with you via our Website GD Page dedicated to the theatre.

Tara Diana – she lend support to our founder with advice for a client, and continues to be a great friend to our team.  When we first met Tara, she jumped at the opportunity to visit a home and provide us (and the client) with valuable insight which corroborated with historical data we dug up. In the past years she invited VSPI to perform an investigation of the 1st United Spiritualist Church during an open reading night.  Although we did not capture any evidence, we truly had a wonderful time.  We took her to one of our favourite places in the lower mainland, Boot Hill Cemetery (BC Penitentiary Cemetery for those who had no one to claim their bodies) and she gave us some incredible information which was spot on with historical information found.  Tara has a warm heart and is refreshingly honesty. Thank you Tara! Her website link:

Coldspotters – we Thank the entire team for being welcoming and open with us; for including us in a cemetery investigation out in the Fraser Valley, and for inviting us to take part in their Coldcon annual event. We look forward to further team building exercises & events. Thank you Coldspotters! Their website link:

Vancouver Prime Timers - for inviting us to do a presentation to their members called "Let's Talk Ghosts" in September. We were met with open arms and had a great time meeting this community group. Thank you! Their website: Vancouver Prime Timers

Car Free Vancouver: West End - for accepting our request to participate in their annual festival celebrating community, on Denman Street.  We were so excited, and dug deep into our pockets to donate drinks/snacks to all their truly amazing volunteers. The festival provided us with a spot on the street to greet all festival goers, conduct a survey and discuss their paranormal experiences. Thank you! It was a fantastic day. We plan to participate again in 2015. Their website: Car Free Vancouver

Private Residence Clients – most of you have requested anonymity, and we have complied.  We wish to Thank You for reaching out to us, opening your homes and personal lives to us, and becoming new friends to VSPI!  You have given us supreme access to your home & the spirits in visitation, and have allowed us to not only provide you with suggestions but also to help your family move forward. In all cases, we were able to resolve your issues. We’d love to hear from you in the future to see how things are going. Thank you!

Now let’s talk about 2015.  As you may have read on our VSPI Website or on our Facebook Page, we visited Sonoma County, California at the end of 2014 and into the New Year.  We always have a marvellous time, and usually discover new places to explore.

Our new VSPI's Mission Statement:
"Be an advocate for our clients, and through the use of technology, innovative, and unconventional methods, research the paranormal; while providing means for protection and peaceful resolve."

The beginning of 2015 proved to be an incredible start to the year!
  • We had experiences at a Fish Hatchery, and picked up strong evidence on a walk where two native spirits have been seen to visit.  We'll be posting our evidence shortly to the website.
  • We visited what everyone seems to call "Suicide Bridge" (aka "Wohler Bridge) and did some light research to find a murder happened nearby back in 1987.  Negative energy is felt here, but by all means it doesn't mean the bridge is not safe to cross.  Built in 1922, it is used regularly by local traffic and is truly in a lovely spot crossing the Russian River.
  • We also visited a private home, and presented our opinion on what may be going on (a past owner may be watching over the home she lived 40+ years in), and provided historical data to help back up our findings.
  • We revisited some of our favourite cemeteries, of which there are so many in this county.  Spring Hill Cemetery, Faught Cemetery, Olive Hill Cemetery, Calistoga Pioneer Cemetery, Shilo Cemetery and Coopers Cemetery are beautiful places of rest for those who have walked this earth before us.  We visit with respect, always announce ourselves and ask the spirits for permission to visit, often bringing a gift or token of our appreciation.

Our next steps?
  • We are preparing for two reveals early in this New Year.
  • We are planning on a team family outing to touch base, get to know one another better, relax, have fun and talk about our future.
  • We hope to hear from home owners who need our help.  After all, our mandate is to assist our clients and the spirits of their homes in finding a resolution.  We are here to support you first and foremost.
  • One of our investigators is flying to Scotland in spring to take part in a public group event.
  • We will continue to build our relationship with the community, participating in such events as the Car Free Vancouver: West End Festival coming up in June 2015.
  • We are training two young people who are interested in this field;
  • and we hope to connect with you, your friends and family!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at or via our VSPI Facebook Page, or comment to this blog.  We will respond within 24 hours.  You are important to us!

Thank you!

Talk soon,

Kati & Lesli @ Spring Hill Cemetery, Sonoma County

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